Team Building Escape Room for Intel® across 50 cities!

Team building in the corporate world is a huge, ever-evolving challenge that companies are always looking for innovative solutions to and Intel® is no exception to that. When Intel wanted to create a multi-hour long experience that will be deployed to over 50 cities around the world they approached Immersive Tech to come up with a solution.


With every activation taking place in conference centers, hotels and offices, we had to come up with a solution that allowed for gated progression, compelling theming and no installation at all. But at the same time, the use of technology that would allow us to drive video content and narrative to the players.


We worked together with Intel® in a collaborative fashion to create an experience that divided over 100 players into six teams that would work together on a mission to save the galaxy. The experience was designed to require the entire group to work together, as well as encourage delegation and sharing of information. The experience was divided into two major acts that concluded with a final puzzle requiring all the teams to work together.

Escape rooms may be still considered new by many people but they really are just a different take on the use of interactive, engaging and fun activities as a method of learning and team building. Escape rooms encourage the use of narrative, progression and immersion that, in our professional opinion, do a far better job at leaving a lasting impression on those that experience them.